
This position has been filled as of December 2019

NOAH Volunteer Coordinator Position – unpaid

Summary: Seeking active NOAH member to serve as a liaison between the very talented and diverse NOAH membership and the NOAH board in order to better coordinate the volunteer interest and the needs of NOAH’s committees.

Point of contact: Volunteer Coordinator to one NOAH board member


  1. Receive communication from NOAH members currently interested in volunteering
  2. Vetting volunteers – make a prior examination and critical appraisal of each potential volunteer by
    • Professional Experience and/or credentials
    • Institution
    • Diversity
    • Location
    • Areas of interest
    • Time and resources available
  3. Keeping current database of candidates and coordinating with the needs of NOAH Committees via the designated NOAH board member-liaison.

Potentially supporting:

  • Conference Committee
  • Regional Network Committee
  • Leadership Summit Committee
  • Advocacy and/or Marketing Committee: marketing, social media, etc.…
  • Professionalization Committee

We imagine that this position will require 1-5 hours per week. We ask for a one-year commitment to this valuable work. Co-coordinator model is welcome.

Interested NOAH members, please email [email protected] with the subject line “NOAH Volunteer Coordinator Position”