

Strengthening State Arts Agency Relationships with Native Communities - NASAA, 2024

This report is a culmination of more than 18 months of dialogue with Indigenous artists, elders, culture bearers, tribal liaisons, leaders of Native organizations, and individuals working inside of tribal relations offices of U.S. state and federal government agencies.

American Artscape: A Magazine of the National Endowment for the Arts, 2023

Mindful of the toll that the pandemic has also taken on the arts and cultural sector, this issue will look at some of the ways that the arts continue to address and contribute to public health, healing, well-being, and community resilience.

Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance: Creative Health Quality Framework, 2023

The Creative Health Quality Framework outlines a set of principles that underpin good practice. It looks at how these principles might be adopted by everyone involved in Creative Health and explores how they might be applied to practice to support the best possible experience and health outcomes for participants.

The NeuroArts Blueprint, 2019

An action plan of bold, culture-changing steps that partners science, the arts, and technology to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities around the globe. Johns Hopkins University and the Aspen Institute are spearheading this initiative.

What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review, 2019

This report synthesizes the global evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being, with a specific focus on the WHO European Region.

Code of Ethics and Standards for Arts in Health Professionals, 2018

NOAH hopes to positively support and shape an elevated relationship between the spheres of arts and health and amongst affiliated fields through the adaptation and use of these professional resources.

Talking About Arts in Health, 2017

In October of 2016, the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine, with support from the Pabst Charitable Foundation for the Arts and the Atlantic Center for the Arts, convened a roundtable focused on addressing language used to describe the discipline within the purview of education, rather than the feld, which would be the purview of a professional feld association.

Arts in Corrections, 2017

This report shares the results of evluation of 12 to 18 week art classes attended by 64 men hel in the Santa Cruz Main Jail, San Francisco County Jail – San Bruno Complex, MCJ Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles, Fresno County Jail and Sacramento County Jail – Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center​.

Arts Deployed, 2016

A collaboration between AFTA’s National Initiative on Arts & Health and the Military and the Local Arts Advancement departments, Arts Deployed is a guide for arts organizations and artists interested in bringing creative arts programming to military and Veteran communities, their caregivers, and families. 

Arts, Health and Well-Being across the Military Continuum, 2013

In November 2012, the the Arts & Health in the Military National Roundtable, took place and resulted in a policy paper: Arts, Health, and Well-Being across the Military Continuum.  This white paper includes a series of recommendations in the areas of arts & health research, practice, and policy, across the military continuum, which includes pre-deployment, deployment, reintegration into community and family, veteran, and late-life care.  

Art, Healing, & Public Health Literature Review, 2010

This review explores the relationship between engagement with the creative arts and health outcomes, specifically the health effects of music engagement, visual arts therapy, movement-based creative expression, and expressive writing. Although there is evidence that art-based interventions are effective in reducing adverse physiological and psychological outcomes, the extent to which these interventions enhance health status is largely unknown.

American Artscape: A Magazine of the National Endowment for the Arts, 2024

This edition of American Artscape will delve into the intersection of arts and physical infrastructure, exploring the pivotal role artists and designers play in shaping inclusive and vibrant spaces.

Engaging the Arts to Build Vaccine Confidence, 2023

In this report, the CDC Foundation explores how arts and culture have been utilized to promote vaccine confidence, dispel myths and misinformation surrounding vaccines, and support vaccination efforts in the United States.

Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation, 2023

The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community.

Toolkit on Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities, 2023

The toolkit provides resources in four tailored sections, recognizing the critical role that arts employers, curators, presenters, educators, and grantmakers play in fostering disability equity and inclusion in the arts and more.

Canadians’ Arts Participation, Health, and Well-Being, 2021

This report examines the relationships between participation in different arts and cultural activities and aspects of health and well-being, including: overall health, mental health, satisfaction with life, satisfaction with feeling part of the community (i.e., sense of belonging).

Creating Healthy Communities Through Cross-Sector Collaboration, 2019

This paper presents a case for how collaboration among the public health, arts and culture, and community development sectorsis critical to addressing the issues and conditions that limit health in America.

Benchmarking Data Report, 2019

This report contains a wealth of data–on staff and faculty compensation, instructional fees, income and expense ratios, and more–that can inform community arts education leaders with planning and budgeting and help funders and policy makers better understand the needs and impacts of our field.

Arts in Medicine Literature Review, 2017

The purpose of this literature review on arts in medicine is to examine reports and studies that illuminate the role artists and arts organizations can and do play in healthcare, especially in clinical settings. This report reviews studies supporting the use of the arts in medicine across the lifespan; methods of delivering the arts to support healthcare environments; group and individual art making; and professional development and training for caregivers. Finally, the report also gathers author recommendations for funders to consider when investing in arts in medicine, along with ways to measure impact to build sustainability.

Creativity Matters, 2017

Creativity Matters is based on the report of the first national conference on creative aging, cosponsored in 2006 by NJPAC and NCCA. Three dozen interviews with leading practitioners and an extensive literature review expanded the toolkit’s content.

Exploring Arts, Culture, & Public Safety, 2016

This report describes the range of activities at the intersection of public safety and arts and culture, outlines a theory of change, and provides recommendations for further consideration. Through interviews with experts in the field, this research found that art in the public safety sector promotes empathy and understanding, influences law and policy, provides career opportunities, supports well-being, and advances the quality of place.

Porch Light Program, 2015

Can public art promote public health? This is the central question addressed in this four-year evaluation of the Porch Light Program, a collaborative endeavor of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program and the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disability Services (dbhids). Porch Light creates public murals that seek to transform neighborhoods and promote the health of neigh-borhood residents and individuals who help create the mural.

Rural Communities Toolkit, 2012

The toolkit was developed through the Arts in Healthcare for Rural Communities program, undertaken by the UF Center for Arts in Medicine and Shands Arts in Medicine, with support from the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs (DCA) and the Kresge Foundation. Between 2008 and 2012, the Arts in Healthcare for Rural Communities program facilitated the development of unique arts in healthcare program models in nine rural Florida communities.

State of the Field Report, 2009

The following State of the Field Report offers information about progress in the field since the symposium, which resulted in recommendations and a strategic direction to advance the arts in healthcare.

Code of Ethics, 2023

The NOAH Code of Ethics is the basis upon which two
additional prescriptive documents [will be] built: Scope
of Practice and Standards of Care. These documents will
move Artists and Arts Administrators working in healthcare
and community settings toward the ultimate goal of

Arts on Prescription: A Field Guide for US Communities, 2023

This guide offers a roadmap for communities to develop programs that formally integrate arts, culture, and nature resources into local health and social care systems.

Creative Aging with American Alliance of Museums, 2023

A list of events and resources on how museums are integrating creative aging programs, updated on a rolling basis.

CultureforHealth, 2022

Scoping review of culture, well-being, and health interventions and their evidence, impacts, challenges and policy recommendations for Europe.

The Arts Work for Texas, 2021

The Texas Cultural Trust’s Art Can program conducts research and produces data to quantify the economic and educational impact of the arts in Texas. These findings are published in the biennial State of the Arts Report.

Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout, 2019

Patient-centered, high-quality health care relies on the well-being, health, and safety of health care clinicians. However, alarmingly high rates of clinician burnout in the United States are detrimental to the quality of care being provided, harmful to individuals in the workforce, and costly…

Prison Arts Resource Project, 2018

The Prison Arts Resource Project (PARP) is an annotated bibliography of evidence-based studies that evaluate the impact of arts programs in U.S. correctional settings. [p. 4]

Arts, Health, and Well-being in America, 2017

NOAH is proud to present the online edition of the white paper, “Arts, Health, and Well-Being in America”, which was unveiled in a print version at the inaugural Arts in Health conference for the organization in September 2017.

The National Endowment for the Arts Guide to Community-Engaged Research in the Arts and Health, 2017

Responding to a need identified by the federal Interagency Task Force on the Arts and Human Development, the NEA commissioned this guide from the cognitive neuroscientist Julene Johnson, PhD, UCSF, and the arts consultant Jeff Chapline, New Art Horizons. It advises arts practitioners and biomedical or behavioral health researchers how to partner effectively in documenting and studying the contributions of community-based arts programs to positive health outcomes.

Museums On Call, 2016

How Museums Are Addressing Health Issues: The American Alliance of Museums has assembled this report to showcase some of the important ways that museums are contributing to health care—helping patients, training medical professionals and educating the public about health and wellness issues.

Arts, Health, & Wellbeing, 2013

The Royal Society for Public Health has provided sustained support over the years to the arts and health, and this report, produced as a result of the Working Group’s discussions, builds on this support. It also provides a resource to enable the Royal Society to consider its future policy options for how the arts and humanities can contribute to health, health gain and wellbeing in the UK and beyond. 

Artistic expression: identity, health and place through Indigenous eyes, 2012

The NCCAH has joined forces with the University of British Columbia (Okanagan Campus) to publish a unique edition of LAKE: A Journal of Arts and Environment. This dazzling new issue highlights the connection between Indigenous peoples, health and place.

Basic Toolkit Handbook, 2009

This Handbook serves as a guide through the Society for the Arts in Healthcare’s full-day workshop, Basic Tool Kit: Arts in Healthcare Program Essentials and was compiled through submissions from the workshop’s leaders.

Creative Health Review: How Policy Can Embrace Creative Health. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing and the National Centre for Creative Health.

Creative Health Review: How Policy Can Embrace Creative Health, 2023

The Review highlights the potential for creative health to help tackle pressing issues in health and social care and more widely, including health inequalities and the additional challenges we face as we recover from Covid-19. The Review has gathered evidence that shows the benefits of creative health in relation to major current challenges, and examples of where this is already working in practice.

The Impact of Arts and Cultural Engagement on Population Health, 2023

This report summarises findings from a series of longitudinal studies conducted between 2017 and 2022 that examined the relationship between arts and cultural engagement and health and wellbeing outcomes using UK and US cohort studies.

Valuing the Arts in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, 2022

With the goal of scoping contemporary innovations in the field of cultural measurement, and supporting the arts and cultural sector in understanding and communicating its impacts, this work provides an important update on the latest thinking in the field.

Burnout, Research and Public Health: Critical Issues and Action Plans, 2020

This report summarizes discussions and developing action plans to advance the field of arts in health in the three areas: Arts and Healthcare Provider Burnout, Arts in Health Research Initiatives/Priorities, and Arts and Public Health.

Addressing the Future of Arts in Health in America, 2018

Published after NOAH’s 2018 Leadership Summit, Addressing the Future of Arts in Health in America takes a deep look into the challenges and opportunities for arts in health nationwide.

Creative Health, 2017

The Inquiry Report, Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing – Second Edition, presents the findings of two years of research, evidence-gathering and discussions with patients, health and social care professionals, artists and arts administrators, academics, people in local government, ministers, other policy-makers and parliamentarians from both Houses of Parliament.

Arts for Community Progress, 2017

Art and culture provides a vehicle for understanding and acting on issues that face communities worldwide. The Scranton Area Community Foundation and the Lackawanna County Department of Arts & Culture had the goal of settingthe table for a discussion which covereda wide platformoftopics affecting the residents of Lackawanna County. To that end, the initial focus areas were Health & Wellness, Economy, and Environment, with Transportation added in later. 

Arts for health and wellbeing: An evaluation framework, 2016

Produced by Public Health England with Aesop and Professor Norma Daykin, this framework provides guidance on appropriate ways of documenting the impacts of arts for health and wellbeing, whether through small scale project evaluations or large scale research studies. It suggests a standard framework for reporting of project activities that will strengthen understanding of what works in specific contexts and enable realistic assessment and appropriate comparisons to be made between programmes.

Between Health & Place, 2013

As the built environment-health knowledge base continues to grow, we are better able to identify important links and understand their influence on health and well-being. Despite significant strides from theory to action in this field, it is still important that this knowledge is articulated and translated in a manner that is accessible and intelligible to a broader audience.

Introduction to Levels of Evidence in Research, 2011

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the existing standard protocol for practice among healthcare professionals. Evidence-based practice is the assimilation of 1) scientific research evidence with pathophysiologic reasoning, 2) health provider experience and skills, and 3) patient preference and input in the specification of the best course of treatment and care (Cook & Levy, 1998; Dileo & Bradt, 2009).

A Guide to Evidenced Based Art, 2008

In this paper, authors Nanda & Hathorn explore the different levels at which art can improve the quality of healthcare, share experiences of creating effective art programs, and outline guidelines for incorporating appropriate art programs in healthcare settings.