

NOAH organizes our work by committees. We accept member participation in some of our committees, see the inquiry form below to find out more.

Advocacy Committee

Co-Chairs: David Fakunle & Joshua Vickery


To advocate and further public policy for and access to the field of arts in health.

Committee description & initiatives:

The advocacy committee strives to increase visibility for NOAH and the field of arts in health, and be an instrument and voice for policy change across the nation. The committee also takes on special projects such as white papers and convenings.

Conference Committee

Chair: Lisa Simms Booth

To plan and execute the annual NOAH conference.

Committee description & initiatives:

The conference committee plans and executes the annual NOAH conferences. This includes but is not limited to: organizing pre-conferences, planning the opening reception, publicizing the event, ensuring maximum attendance, securing sponsorship, organizing presentations and conference activities, including performances and the NOAH expo booth, partnering with local arts agencies, and day-of execution.


Governance Committee

Chair: Lisa Howley


To ensure diverse, inclusive representation of the arts in health field on the NOAH board.

Committee description & initiatives:

The governance committee assesses board composition and anticipates its development; determines the knowledge, attributes, skills, abilities, influence, and access to resources the collective board will need in order to accomplish its future work; identifies, with membership input, board member candidates, presenting when apt for nomination; oversees new board member orientation; recommends an annual slate of officers; maintains legal standing based on bylaws and articles of incorporation.

Finance Committee

Chair: Elysian McNiff Koglmeier


To ensure the financial health, transparency, accountability, and sustainability of NOAH.

Committee description & initiatives:

The finance committee oversees financial planning and record keeping; monitors funds; anticipates financial challenges; ensures that the board understands and plans for the organization’s financial health.

Research Committee

To support and advance research and its use in the field of arts in health.

Committee description & initiatives:

The committee seeks to position NOAH as a leading resource for arts in health research and evaluation. It aims to create tools and toolkits that increase understanding and accessibility of research, and promote innovative, advanced, and collaborative research in the field.


Membership Sub-Committee (Finance)

Co-Chairs: Antonia Dapena-Tretter & Cynthia Perlis


To sustainably grow NOAH membership with a deliberate focus on race, age, and professional diversity.

Committee description & initiatives:

  • Increase membership, and resultant revenue, to support NOAH’s future economic stability
  • Identify and eliminate roadblocks to membership for people of all demographics
  • Evaluate member satisfaction and priorities to shape NOAH’s larger initiatives
  • Encourage student membership and build a pipeline to full membership
  • Review available resources to refine membership benefits and incentives
  • Create additional / remote networking opportunities for members
  • Foster a sense of community through social media, e.g., “Member Mondays”
  • Market membership opportunities through conferences, presentations, and regional networks

Professionalization Committee


To develop resources to professionalize artists and administrators who engage the arts for health and well-being in healthcare facilities and community settings.

Committee description & initiatives:

  • Oversee development of new Arts in Health-Certified (AIH-C) credential
  • Promote print and ebook publication sales of Core Curriculum book
  • Develop a pilot program on Arts in Health Administration to translate Core Curriculum content into modules of online training, to be accessible nationally and internationally
  • Develop NOAH Speakers Bureau for presenters, trainers, and consultants
  • Maintain NOAH Ethics and Standards for Arts in Health Professionals document
  • Develop a robust NOAH webpage focused on Professionalization, Education, and Certification
  • Lead a national Music in Health working group focused on professionalization
  • Develop strategic partnerships with relevant national and international organizations for building the arts in health field through capacity building, training, education, professional development, and certification.

Interested in joining a Board Committee?

Fill out this form and we will get back to you!

What committee/s are you interested in?

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