
Higher Education

The NOAH Professionalization Committee partners with faculty and administrators at colleges and universities across the United States to develop and promote curricular standards, program models, academic courses, and degree programs. This partnership is facilitated through an “Community of Arts in Health Educators” that meets regularly within the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru).

Many robust university-level courses and degree programs exist that focus on the broad arts in health field. Even more academic programs exist in the creative arts therapies, expressive arts therapies, medical humanities, arts administration, and architecture/design fields. To learn more about these educational opportunities, please see the relevant program listings available on the websites of the following organizations:

The academic field of arts in health – focused on educating artists and arts managers to engage the arts for health and well-being in healthcare facilities and community settings – currently features the following list of academic programs across the United States.


This list was last updated in January 2025. Please contact us if your university academic program in arts in health is not currently included in this list.

Graduate Degree Programs

Other Graduate-Level Programs and Certificates

Undergraduate Degree Programs

Other Undergraduate-Level Programs of Study