

Dear Friend,

As a bedside musician in the hospital, I give my heart as I create melodic nuance and sing words of happiness or comfort. Often a patient’s eyes will soften, the brow will relax, or there might be evidence of a sigh. In the hospital lobby, I pour myself into the space offering passing clinicians and staff members an opportunity to remember when they last heard a certain melody or a message of love.

YOU believe in the impact the arts are making in hospitals and beyond. The National Organization for Arts in Health (NOAH) unites, advances, and serves the field of arts in health for strength and growth. As the year ends, we ask for your support to enable us to continue to put the healing power of art to work in our communities.

The NOAH projects of 2021 included:

Importance of DEI in the field – leadership, membership, and partnerships.

Professionalization of the fieldCore Curriculum for Arts in Health, the first educational resource of its kind with a path to certification.

Best practices in the field – At our 2021 annual conference, NOAH awarded best practices, hosted plenaries such as the one by the World Health Organization, and keynotes addressing the importance of diversity in the field, the sound environment at in the hospital, and emerging leadership roles for artists.

Healthcare worker burnout – The Arts for Resilience in Clinicians initiative addresses the use of the arts to provide release and solace from the trying environments in hospitals and clinics. ARC was created by a team of doctors, artists, and arts administrators, who have themselves experienced a greater sense of calm and happiness from artistic expression. The new ARC website featuring resources including a virtual break room with free guided creative activities for healthcare workers will launch in January 2022.

Thank you for believing in NOAH and the possibilities that lay ahead. On behalf of the Board of Directors of NOAH, we appreciate your consideration.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season.

With gratitude,

Barbara Steinhaus
President of the National Organization for Arts in Health

P.S. We are a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Your gift to us is tax deductible. Every $50 makes a difference!