
Mayo Clinic Humanities in Medicine Symposium 2021
Engaging Across Disciplines: Toward a Practice of Transdisciplinarity
September 17-18, 2021 with additional dates through October 9, 2021

For more information and to register online

Registration fee for all – $250
Student rate $50

Symposium Dates & Times:
All dates and sessions are included with registration.
Times shown are Central Time.
No pre-registration is necessary for workshops and performances

Friday 9.17
6:00 Plenary Lecture/Performance: Catie Cuan, Dancing with Robots
7:00 Plenary Lecture: Experience Bryon, Ph.D., Transdisciplinarity in Practice
8:00 Plenary Performance: Anthony de Mare, The Liaisons Project: Reimagining Stephen Sondheim
Saturday 9.18:
11:00-12:00 Plenary Performance: Ebony Payne-English, Poetry of Resilience
12:15-1:45 Concurrent Sessions
2:00-3:00 Special Report: Jill Sonke, CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force Report and Discussion
3:15-4:45 Concurrent Sessions
Saturday 9.25
11:00-12:00 Plenary Lecture: Sunil Iyengar, Research at the National Endowment for the Arts: Linking the Arts to Clinical Practice
12:30-2:00 Incubator Sessions: Tane Danger, moderator
2:15-3:45 Workshops
4:00-5:30 Incubator Sessions: Tane Danger, moderator
Tuesday 9.28
6:00-7:30 Workshops; Performance
7:30-8:30 Optional Networking, Special Interest Small Groups
Thursday 9.30
6:00-7:30 Concurrent Sessions
Saturday 10.9
11:00-12:30 Concurrent Sessions
1:00-2:00 Plenary Panel Discussion: Tane Danger (moderator), Catie Cuan, Experience Bryon, Anthony de Mare,
Ebony Payne-English, Sunil Iyengar
2:00-2:30 Conference Summary: Theatre of Public Policy

Plenary Speakers
Catie Cuan: Dancer/Choreographer/Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Experience Bryon, PhD.: Director/Choreographer/Author
Anthony de Mare: Concert Pianist/Creator/Co-Producer
Ebony Payne-English, Writer/Performer/Educator/Author
Sunil Iyengar, Director of the Office of Research & Analysis, National Endowment for the Arts
Tane Danger, Founder, Theatre of Public Policy/Director, Westminster Town Hall Forum

Course Directors: Johanna Rian, Ph.D., Daniel Hall Flavin, M.D.

We extend sincere thanks to our conference sponsors: Mrs. Sissel Cooper Bos and The Irving S. Cooper Institute for Advanced Studies in Medicine and the Humanities for their support of Mayo Clinic and Mr. Paul Lavins, whose generous support of our center in Rochester honors the memory of his wife Dolores, who provides inspiration for all of our work.

Contact: HIMSYM@mayo.edu