
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health’s Therapeutic Harpist, Margaret Stephens, normally plays her soothing music for babies and families in the Neo-natal Intensive Care Nursery (NICU), cancer center patients and patients throughout Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH. Since she can no longer be on-site She has been recording videos each week to be shared via Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Facebook pages bringing joy and tranquility to her patients and gaining new fans with her music.


Margaret Stephens, a Certified Harp Practitioner, Shares Her Music with the D-HH Community

The D-H Creative Arts Team is available to work with patients and loved ones (staff, as well!) through phone and videoconferencing. Please contact them at Creative.Arts@hitchcock.org (note the dot between Creative and Arts) to request a session. If you are contacting us on behalf of someone else, please include their name and a personal phone and/or email to reach them if they agree to be contacted. If they are in an inpatient unit, please also include the patient’s name and room number. If they have a specific interest, that would also be helpful.We offer one-to-one interactions that can include harp, visual arts, yoga, meditation, writing, storytelling and photography. And we offer compassionate listening.In this video, Margaret Stephens, a Certified Harp Practitioner, has recorded herself at home to share with all of us during this time of social distancing.

Posted by Dartmouth-Hitchcock on Friday, April 10, 2020